Capon A young castrated and fattened rooster. Caul fat The lacy fat that lines a pigÕs stomach. It is used to line terrine molds and to wrap patties and sausages. Chateaubriand A thick fillet of grilled tenderloin steak. Chiffonade Very finely shredded or sliced green leafy vegetables, such as lettuce or spinach, typically used as a garnish. Chop To cut food into small pieces with a knife, blender, or food processor. Clarify To clear stock by straining through cooked egg whites, or to make butter clear by heating, separating, and discarding milk solids. Confit From the French verb confire, meaning to preserve food by cooking very slowly and thoroughly until tender. Duck confit is duck cooked in its own fat then preserved in the cooking fat in an earthenware jar. It keeps, refrigerated, for several weeks. Cream The process of working together butter, fat, or a combination of fats and sugar into a homogeneous, light mixture, typically the first step in making a sponge cake. Crimp To decorate the edge of a pie crust by pinching dough between the thumb and index finger. Cube To cut into 1/2-inch pieces. Curdle The separation that occurs in egg- or cream-based mixtures when they are heated too quickly.